Singh, A. and Myerson, A.S. (2010). Chiral Self Assembled Monolayers as Resolving Auxiliaries in the Crystallization of Valine. Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 99, 3931-3940. Link
Alvarez, A. and Myerson, A.S. (2010). Continuous Plug Flow Crystallization of Pharmaceutical Compounds. Crystal Growth and Design 10, 2219-2228. Link
Kim, K, Lee, I.S., Centrone, A., Hatton, T.A. and Myerson, A.S. (2009). Formation of Nanosized Organic Molecular Crystals on Engineered Surfaces. Journal of the American Chemical Society 131, 18212-18213. Link
Alvarez, A., Sing, A., and Myerson, A.S. (2009). Polymorph Screening: Comparing a Semi-Automated Approach with a High Throughput Method. Crystal Growth and Design 9, 4181-4188. Link
Aldabaibeh, N., Jones, M., Myerson, A.S., Ulrich, J. (2009). The Solubility of Orthorhombic Lysozyme Crystals Grown at High pH. Crystal Growth and Design 9, 3313-3317. Link
Erdemir, D, Lee, A.Y., and Myerson, A.S. (2009). Nucleation of Crystals From Solution: Classical and Two Step Models. Accounts of Chemical Research 42, 621-629. Link
Singh, A., Lee, I.S., and Myerson, A.S. (2009). Concomitant Crystallization of ROY on Patterned Substrates: Using a High Throughput Method to Improve the Chances of Crystallization of Different Polymorphs. Crystal Growth and Design 9, 1182-1185. Link
Konkel, J.T., and Myerson, A.S. (2008). Empirical Molecular Modeling of a Suspension Stabilization Using Polysorbate 80. Molecular Simulation 34, 1353-1357. Link
Lee, I.S., Evans, J.M.B., Erdemir, D., Lee, A.Y., Garetz, B.A and Myerson, A.S., (2008). Non Photochemical Laser Induced Nucleation of Hen White Lysozyme Crystals. Crystal Growth and Design 8, 4455-4461. Link
Sun, X., Garetz, B.A., and Myerson, A.S., (2008). Polarization Switching of Crystal Structure in the Non-Photochemical Laser Induced Nucleation of Supersaturated Aqueous L-Histidine. Crystal Growth and Design 8, 1720-1722. Link
Lee, I.S., Kim, K.T., Lee, A.Y. and Myerson, A.S., (2008). Concomitant Crystallization of Glycine on Patterned Substrates: The Effect of pH on the Polymorphic Outcome. Crystal Growth and Design, 8, 108-113. Link
Lee, I.S., Lee, A.Y., and Myerson, A.S., (2008). Concomitant Polymorphism in Confined Environment: Implication to Crystal Form Screening. Pharmaceutical Research, 25, 960-968. Link
Erdemir, D., Lee, A.Y., and Myerson, A.S., (2007). Polymorph Selection: The Role of Nucleation, Crystal Growth and Molecular Modeling. Current Opinion in Drug Discovery and Development, 10, 746-755. Link
Erdemir, D., Chattopadhyay, S., Guo, L., Ilavsky, J., Amentitsh, H., Segre, and Myerson, A.S. (2007). Relationship Between Self-Association of Glycine Molecules in Supersaturated Solutions and Solid State Outcome. Physical Review Letters, 99, 115702. Link
Lee, A.Y., and Myerson, A.S., (2006). Particle Engineering: Fundamentals of Particle Formation and Crystal Growth. MRS Bulletin, 31, 881-886. Link
Yi, Y.J., and Myerson, A.S., (2006). Laboratory Scale Batch Crystallization and the Role of Vessel Size. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 84, 721-728. Link
Liu, X., Hatziavramidis, D., Arastoopour,H., Myerson, A.S. (2006). CFD Simulations for Analysis and Scale-up of Anti-Solvent Crystallization. AIChE Journal, 52, 3621-3625. Link
Lee, A.Y., Lee, I.S., Myerson, A.S. (2006). Factors Affecting the Polymorphic Outcome of Glycine Crystals Constrained on Patterned Substrates. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 29, 281-285. Link
Sun, X., Garetz, B.A., Myerson, A.S. (2006). Supersaturation and Polarization Dependence of Polymorph Control in the Nonphotochemical Laser-Induced Nucleation (NPLIN) of Aqueous Glycine Solutions. Crystal Growth & Design, 6, 684-689. Link