
In crystallization from solution, nucleation plays a decisive role in determining the crystal form, size distribution, shape and purity and therefore understanding the fundamentals of nucleation is crucial to achieve control over these properties. Classical nucleation theory is widely applied to solution crystallization due to its simplicity; however, its shortcomings suggest that nucleation of crystalline solids from solution does not proceed via the classical pathway, but rather follows more complex routes. In the last decade, numerous studies including those reported by our group have suggested an alternative mechanism of crystal nucleation from solution called the two-step mechanism.

research diagram 1

Areas of focus:

  • Heterogeneous nucleation
  • Nucleation on polymeric surfaces
  • Nucleation on crystalline surfaces
  • Development of processes for both of the above for the continuous crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients
  • Contact secondary nucleation: studying the mechanism of contact secondary nucleation and applying it in mini-tube / microfluidic systems
  • Nucleation in micro/nano-pores to manufacture nano-sized crystals

research diagram 2