Carlos Alberto Pons Siepermann

Ph.D. Candidate

E19-515, Department of Chemical Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139
E-mail: | Phone: 617-258-7031




  1. Ph.D. Chemical Engineering – MIT – Projected Degree Conferral: May, 2018
  2. B.S.E. Chemical Engineering with Minor in Chemistry, University of Michigan (2013)

Research summary:

My research studies the improvement of crystallization efficiency for small-molecule drug systems. Currently, the focus lies in the addition of chemical components to a solution with a drug and an impurity in order to foment a chemical interaction that will prevent the impurity from incorporating into the product crystal.  The interaction forms a complex between the additive and the impurity, which will is stabilized in solution and is too bulky to be introduced within the lattice of the purified drug. The ultimate goal is to develop a predictive method that will allow to quickly screen beneficial additives to increasingly complex target products. This shall be achieved based on fundamental understanding of the mechanisms governing the interactions happening in solution between the chemical species.